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Treatment of Thalassemia with Goat Milk

Written By Susu Kambing76 on Saturday, 29 December 2012 | 16:02

Goat milk has many benefits for our body's health. One of its benefit is as a drug for thalassemia. Thalassemia disease is a genetic blood disorder. Wikipedia defines thalassemia as forms of inherited autosomal recessive blood disorders that originated in the Mediterranean region. In thalassemia, the disease is caused by the weakening and destruction of red blood cells. Thalassemia is caused by variant or missing genes that affect how the body makes hemoglobin. Hemoglobin is the protein in red blood cells that carries oxygen. People with thalassemia make less hemoglobin and fewer circulating red blood cells than normal, which results in mild or severe anemia.

As a hereditary disease, if a parent brings properties (carrier) thalassemia, then 25% of their children have the possibility of suffering from thalassemia. Therefore, when his wife was pregnant, it is advisable to perform blood tests in the laboratory to determine the fetus suffered thalesma or not. If the fetus is positive for thalesma then later on need for regular blood transfusions for life. Thalassemia can cause significant complications, including phmonia , iron overload, bone deformities and cardiovascular illness. However this same inherited disease of red blood cells may confer a degree of protection against  malaria, which is or was prevalent in the regions where the trait is common. This selective survival advantage on carriers (known as heterozygous advantage) may be responsible for perpetuating the mutation in populations. In that respect, the various thalassemias resemble another genetic disorder affecting hemoglobin, sickle-cell disease.

Worst excesses patients can die due to accumulation of iron in the heart organ. Although the accumulation of iron due to blood transfusion occurred in various organs, but because the heart has less power compared to the compensation of other organs, many patients with thalassemia die from heart complications.

Causes of Thalassemia
Symptoms vary depending on the degree of damage thalassemia gene occur with additional symptoms such as pale anemia, insomnia, lethargy, poor appetite or frequent recurrent infections, and heart also forced to work harder to meet the formation of hemoglobin, as well as thinning or bone marrow perapuhan Bone was also instrumental in producing such hemoglobin.
Medical treatment
Thalassemia affected patients are usually advised to take folate supplements and avoidance of drugs containing iron and oxidizing agents such as sulfonamides group. Patients with thalassemia require a blood transfusion during pregnancy or when the patient is under stress.

Patients with severe thalassemia should receive treatment schedule regular blood transfusions and folate supplements should be given. Surgery should be considered if the spleen is also enlarged spleen due to an increase in blood transfusions. Deferoxamin should also be given to the patient on a regular basis as an agent for iron chelation to prevent hemosidero ¬ sis (iron overhload).

Today one has introduced thalassemia treatment, ie by allogenic bone marrow transplantation. Children who have never had iron overload (iron overload) and poisoning, his organs are 80% to react, so as to have the ability to live longer.
Treatment of Thalassemia with Goat Milk
The function of goat milk to help cure patients diagnosed with thalassemia remains to be investigated further, genetic influence or not. Giving iron to patients with thalassemia should be done with caution, because it feared may have iron overload or iron overload. Iron levels so low in dairy goat feeding is relatively safe although goat nutritional value or nutritional value as one of the 24 vital trace minerals in milk Etawa are all 100% available.

That is, the content of iron (Fe) in goat milk is low, but the consuming goat milk, nutritional value and available 100%. Therefore, the provision of Fe in patients with thalassemia should be done carefully to avoid kemosiderosis or iron overload. Thus, goat milk has a low Fe content, can be considered relatively safe, because it is not accumulated in the body.

Patients with thalassemia just need folic acid. This is due to folic acid is essential for the synthesis of nucleid acid bases (ribose nucleid acid / RNA and diocsiribosa nucleidatid / DNA). The need for folic acid recommended adult (recommended dietary allowance / RDA) is 400 mcg per day. Folacin in foods mostly shaped poly glutamate (PGA) that are not stable, and in the process of cooking food, cin ¬ Fola will be damaged or lost as much as 80-90% so it will only remaining 4 mcg per day.

In 1 liter of fresh goat's milk contained 6 mcg folate. So, if you consume goat milk 150 cc per day, we will have approximately 1 mcg folacin nutritional value that its all 100% available. Foods that contain folacin with high bioavailability such as bananas, lime beans or bean-like beans with large seeds, liver, and yeast, and is also found in green leafy vegetables and meat. This is real story regarding thalassemia which was quoted from sususegar.com.
A patient who treated writer, Rr. Srat, who lives at the age of 3 years Pamulang Bering fever diagnosed by a doctor and after July 2001 is known to have anemia and thalassemia. Once known to have both diseases, patients then get medical help and consume as much as 150 cc of goat milk each morning. In the afternoon the patient eating yogurt as much as 200 cc and a sweetener in the form of extracts or beet juice.
After 4 months and was diagnosed again, its symptoms disappeared and his blood test results are also good that the bone marrow making plans to be checked regularly in the 4 and 5 were canceled. In December 2001 the symptoms of hair loss and lip-pecan pecans also lost and the patient cured, but still continued medical treatment and regularly consume goat milk.


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